The article U.S. should leave Iran alone, by Roland Martin on CNN, discusses how Obama is being criticized for being weak because he is not taking a more forceful approach to the crisis in Iran. The author states that he feels, "Obama's measured and calm approach has been right on target, while his critics have been totally off base". He then discusses the United States history with Iran and how our interference in previous years is the reason why Iran is in the situation it is now.
I feel this is a very well written article where the author has done detailed research of his topic and provided facts and history to support his argument. I believe the author makes a great point in that "democracy can never be imported; It must be homegrown". You can't force your belief system on people and expect them to be like you. They have to want it and obtain it for themselves. Even though what is happening in Iran might be horrific or awful we have to let the Iranian people try and figure things out for themselves. Did we learn nothing from Iraq? Why would we want to repeat that all over again? I understand that we want to keep our country safe, but interfering with other countries elections system is not going to make the U.S. more safe or secure.
Roland does a great job in trying to reach out to the general public and trying to connect on a personal level while maintaining his article professional and credible. He does this by asking the reader questions and using words like "Folks". It makes you feel as if he is sitting in front of you talking about the subject. The author also provides dates, names, and details of events and people to support his statements.
After reading this article I feel that even if the reader disagrees with the author he has provided enough history and facts to make the reader think twice about their position on the issue. I would suggest you read this article and send letters to your senators and let them know they should support our president and his stance on peace just like the majority supported our previous president into leading the U.S. into a horrible and unjustified war.
Commentary on my classmate's blog
15 years ago
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